Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This month's birthday girl is Amy! Join me in wishing her a Happy 11th anniversary of her 29th birthday! Here's her info.......

Name: Amy Krueger
Married, two children: Han (age 15) and Jessi (age 10)
Currently employed (YAY!) and starting nursing school this month
Hobbies/Interests: reading, writing, music (Rick Springfield, Darren Hayes, Theory of a Deadman and Creed top the list currently but my musical interests are all over the board)
Things that make me smile: hearing my girls laugh, hanging with good friends, the promise of a better future
My Charity: VH 1’s Save The Music. Music is a huge part of my life and always has been. You can take away my TV and my books, but don’t take away my music. Han sings and plays in the band, Jessi plays in the band and dances. We always have music on in the car. Songs tell stories and create memories. Music is a very basic thing and I think that all children should be able to experience it.

Check out the link to the right for Amy's charity. Have a birthday coming up?? Turning 40?? Please leave a comment and we will get back to you so your charity can get some traffic as well

Monday, November 30, 2009

Spreading the Word

I'm in the process of planning my party and intend to include a link to here in case anybody is so inclinded to contribute.  We are still looking for those that might be looking for a fun way to celebrate their 40 milestone.  Please leave a comment and one of us will get back to ya!

Also, feel free to spread the word, even if you're not close to 40 or already played that game.  We need all the talk we can get!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Our November Birthday Girl is Lynn from Wisconsin.  Here's Lynn's story.

I'm Lynn and just turned 40 on November 17th. I've had a few issues with that number. Where has the time gone? I live in Wisconsin with my husband of 18 years. We have two daughters ages 14 and 10. My hobbies include movies, music and books, collecting and trading postcards, blogging, traveling (when I have the time and money) and my favorite.......Photography! I currently work part time as a sales associate at a convience store but would love to quit my day job and focus on my photography.

You can find me at or on my photoblog at Though I seem to be on an unintended hiatus right now, sorry!

The charity I chose is JDRF or The Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in July of 2007 while we were on a trip to Washington state visiting family. She got sick and ended up in the hospital for 2 days with a blood sugar level over 500. She decided to participate in the JDRF Walk for the Cure that year so we have had a family team for the past three years. So many people have said that they have been promised a cure in their lifetime and that we "are so close". I'd like to see that become a reality!

Check out the link to the right for Lynn's charity.  Have a birthday coming up??  Turning 40??  Please leave a comment and we will get back to you so your charity can get some traffic as well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

It's time....

It's November. The Pay It 40 Campaign has begun! We are so excited to be doing something special. Please feel free to pass the word to those that are turning 40 or those that love those that are turning 40. I'll have our first birthday girl profiled in a few days.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Links Up

I'm starting to add links to the charities. If you find that one doesn't work, please let me know right away so I can correct it. Still looking for people to play along. Don't be shy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome to Pay It 40

Welcome! If you have found this blog you are either getting ready to turn 40 or know somebody who is. Thanks for stopping by!

This blog was born out of a need for turning 40 to mean something other than "we are getting older". Lynn and I threw some things back and forth and decided to do this. I've been contact by many others who are interested and I hope that it continues to grow...and that it goes beyond 2010. The start date of the Pay It 40 Campaign is 11/1/09 and it "ends" 12/31/2010...unless there is interest to continue.

The basic premise is easy. I'm an adult and I don't really need any gifts. But there are alot of charities out there that could use help. So, each "birthday girl" (or guy, I guess) picks their favorite charity.

They will be highlighted (on their birthday if possible) and then we will have links to all the charities that are being helped. Even if the person that chose that charity hasn't had their birthday yet.

We don't have a goal for how many people we get involved or for money amounts to be raised, just to GIVE. If you would like to be a part of the Pay It 40 Campaign, please leave a comment or email me.